One of the greatest contributory factors to the Lord of the Rings trilogy’s magic was that it took place in a world wholly other and apart from our own. Tolkien always maintained that creating Middle-Earth was a purely formal exercise for him, with no real-world implications whatsoever, but the key was that he took the formal exercise entirely seriously as such. His academic specializations in Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon history, language, and folklore provided him with the raw material to create a world so detailed – so rich in culture and tradition – as to feel real in a way that (seemingly) no previous fairy stories ever had. Paradoxically, Middle-Earth became more fantastical for seeming less so. Being given enough texture of detail to really believe that Theoden’s people would not have felt out of place in the England that Harold II ruled on the eve of the Norman invasion meant that the wizards and balrogs seemed less fantastically imaginary than they would have otherwise. Fantastical beings that seem really to exist in their own densely historicized world, rather than simply being appreciable as the Freudian projections of the author – presented sui generis and at face value – was and remains an amazing literary achievement. More than enough, for plenty of readers, to offset Tolkien’s insufferably retrograde views on most real-world matters.
This only continues when we meet the Master himself, as played by Stephen Fry. It’s seeing the interior of his house – with its canopy bed, its dark oak panelling, its framed portrait of him above the mantle – that really solidifies the film’s Georgian England connotations. Along with this, there’s Alfrid’s warning him that “the people are growing restless; there’s even talk of an election,” to which the Master can only say piffle and demand a brandy. It’s exactly the same tone one’s read or seen a thousand times before in British literature and television adaptations: the degenerated old-school squire, landowner, or aristocrat refusing to accept that his powers aren’t innate in the natural order of things, and that majority rule is anything other than absurd.
it’s here that my title comes into play. Because The Desolation of Smaug of course does not stay on this odd footing
forever. Soon enough, orcs come upon Laketown, with Legolas and Tauriel behind
them. And the odd effect of this is much the same as that achieved by Colin and Greg
Strause’s much-reviled 2007 film Aliens
vs. Predator: Requiem – the film in which the xenomorph “aliens,” so
universally famous from futuristic scenarios directed by Ridley Scott and James
Cameron, come to terrorize a small Washington State town in the present day.
Attacking the kitchen staff at the local pizzeria, shredding teenagers in the
high school swimming pool, dashing between steel girders at a construction site
to pick off unwary construction workers – one is basically seeing one of
filmdom’s most charismatic creatures brought into our own recognizable
here and now, just to flatter our sense of our own importance. It’s a lowering
of them, to be sure, but also a raising of ourselves, and thus a cheap thrill
in its own way. As I’ve said, Requiem
was almost universally excoriated by critics for this narrative strategy, but
there was a method to its madness, and one that I sort of appreciated. It is
that same method that Jackson is invoking with Desolation of Smaug.
herein lies the final twist, of course. Because no sooner have the
aforementioned orcs burst in and elicited said shrieks, then Legolas bursts in
after them, in all his Orlando Bloom dreaminess, and slaughters all of them
with nary a scratch to himself or the little kiddies. Bard’s house will likely look
just familiar enough to suburban children in Auckland, Los Angeles, London,
Toronto, etc. to give a scary frisson to the orcs bursting in at them, but this
will then be compensated for by the sheer coolness of Legolas bursting in after
them and kicking ass. It’s essentially just a much more violent version of
getting to shake hands with Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, or seeing C-3PO and
R2-D2 appear on The Muppet Show, or
seeing the aliens go into teen-slasher mode. On the one hand, kids accept the
fact that these beloved figures of popular culture exist in their own fantasy
never-world – that’s an inextricable part of what makes them so beloved – but
on the other hand, there’s an ineradicable part of us that wishes they could
descend into a more intimately recognizable realm closer to our own, so that we
can feel that much closer to them. At the most cutesy-twee level, every child knows
it would be a crime beyond reckoning to wrench Pooh out of Hundred-Acre Wood,
but on the other hand, what child in the world wouldn’t also dream of getting
to establish Pooh in their own backyard? And at a more familiar, perverse
level, what kid wouldn’t want to see their hometown, rather than Tokyo,
levelled by Godzilla on his next rampage?
Such is the logic I saw Jackson using in the Laketown segment of Desolation of Smaug. Put like this, it may sound very interesting, but in practice watching it, I found it very frustrating. Legolas’s relative invincibility was never too distracting in the LOTR trilogy, because he was only one part of a much larger cast, and his never missing with his bow, and never getting a hair out place under any circumstances, was basically just his character note. When he’s absolute and total centre stage, however, as in these parts of Desolation, his bleach-blonde pretty-boy insouciant-invincible characterization becomes insufferable very fast. One is frankly cheering for the big orc captain to get the better of him, and then seething with frustration knowing there’s no way that’s going to happen. This brings me back to the spectatorship dynamic I discussed regarding Sucker Punch once. I find it applies to Desolation more than any film I can remember seeing recently, and for exactly the same reasons as Sucker Punch. Think, they both involve dragons…
Such is the logic I saw Jackson using in the Laketown segment of Desolation of Smaug. Put like this, it may sound very interesting, but in practice watching it, I found it very frustrating. Legolas’s relative invincibility was never too distracting in the LOTR trilogy, because he was only one part of a much larger cast, and his never missing with his bow, and never getting a hair out place under any circumstances, was basically just his character note. When he’s absolute and total centre stage, however, as in these parts of Desolation, his bleach-blonde pretty-boy insouciant-invincible characterization becomes insufferable very fast. One is frankly cheering for the big orc captain to get the better of him, and then seething with frustration knowing there’s no way that’s going to happen. This brings me back to the spectatorship dynamic I discussed regarding Sucker Punch once. I find it applies to Desolation more than any film I can remember seeing recently, and for exactly the same reasons as Sucker Punch. Think, they both involve dragons…
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